Tuesday, January 2, 2007

118th Tournament of Roses

Today, Greg and I decided to drive out to Pasadena to check out the amazing floats from the Rose Parade. We've both lived here all our lives and have never done that before! It was a gorgeous day (see tank tops/shorts) and the floats were amazing. So I went a little over board on the pictures. Here's a little history from the program book: "Pasadena's original festival in the late 1800's featured a modest procession of flower covered hourse and buggies followed by an afternoon of public games. The event resembled the "Battle of the Flowers" held in Nice, France. As Pasadena's celebration grew to include more abundant floral displays, the name "Tournament of Roses" was born."


::Traci:: said...


Did you know Jason & I used to go decorate the floats the week before the parade? We should try to do it again some year.

Izzy said...

Greg, you should have jacked that storm trooper and swiped his armor for me...

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, my family drove down and helped decorate some of the floats, then my dad (who is hard of hearing and thus can sleep through anything) slept on the parade route the night before the parade to save us seats!...such a fun memory. Did you know that the Rose Bowl has never been played on a Sunday? (a decision made long ago) and (perhaps as a result) it has never been rained out! Beautiful pics...