Saturday, December 2, 2006

That's what it's all about

Today I was able to spend the morning with 100 children from the Bellflower School district. These children were nominated by their teachers to be a part of a Christmas wish shopping spree. The Bellflower Lion's club puts this event on yearly and it's held at the local K-mart. Each child first meets Santa and has their picture taken w/ him and then gets a 25$ gift certificate to purchase whatever they would like. I had the opportunity to meet each child while they were in line waiting to meet Santa. The little girls were so excited to be able to put the crown on and the boys just wanted to know if it was real :-) What really got me were some of the comments made by children as to what they wanted for Christmas. One young boy told Santa all he wanted was a family. That hit me straight to the core, to think a child is not asking for all the materialistic things they could have but just wanting to be a part of a family unit. That gave me confirmation that I need to continue advocating for these children who so desperately need loving homes. It also made me appreciate my own family. I've so often taken for granted my family and the stability and love I've had all my life. It was a good reminder that as we approach Christmas day, it's not the "stuff" or all the parties or the decorations that make this day important. It's celebrating the birth of our Savior, who came in human form as a tiny child to save us from a world where there is so much brokeness.


Izzy said...

Powerful insight. It is truly amazing to put on someone else's glasses and view life for a minute. We can learn so much about ourselves and, Lord willing, be better people. Thanks RB

Tami and Jeevan said...

Rebekah, it is so wonderful that it is in your heart to be an advocate for these children. God has given you such a great talent and the ability to recognize how you can use it and change lives! You are a beautiful person that inspires the both of us. We love you!!!