Saturday, May 26, 2007


2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

***This slide show was "borrowed" from Traci, so when it says "my hot hubby" you'll understand :-)***

Today, Greg and I were baptized together in the Ocean! It was an absolutely perfect day in every way...being baptized outside in God's beautiful creation at one of my favorite places, the beach...baptized by dear friends Izzy & Devin...witnessed by my closest friends and family...and finalized by a wonderful outdoor feast at Deb & Larry's. Both Greg & I were baptized as infants but when the class opened for Halogen to hold its very first baptism Greg began to show interest in wanting to make that decision as an adult. I too realized I wanted to make this incredible public expression as a physical sign of what God has done in my life. It really was a special day and I am so honored to have shared it with my husband. Greg shared his testimony of giving his life to the Lord at Angel Stadium during a Harvest crusade and that he always thought he would get a standing ovation for playing baseball there...that never came to be but God did give him his standing ovation as the entire stadium stood and applauded for those new decisions given that night. That was over 10 years ago. Praise God for his faithfulness!

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