Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Projects never end...

one thing I've learned about being a home owner is that there seems to be a never ending list of projects to get done...first it's refinishing the floors, painting the rooms, hanging pictures...then they get a bit grander like, remodeling the kitchen & bath. So after a brief respite of working on projects, we're back at it and this time we've decided to install a sprinkler system. Thank goodness my pops has had his share of experience helping three out of his four kids rig up a good system. Greg and I along with the help of some trusty friends (thanks izzy & dad) shed blood sweat and tears digging trenches (ok just sweat). I'm pretty proud to say that Greg and I laid all the pipes not just for the main but also a drip system for my landscaping - yet another project. Next up...laying sod...to be continued.

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