Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Welcome to toddlerhood....

Well, it's official. Greg and I are parents. And not just with one...but two girls! We received our first foster placement last week....and as you've noticed no new postings since new years because we've had our hands full. The girls will be turning 2 and 3 years old in a few months so we've been dropped right in the middle of the wonders of toddler hood...and it's exhausting! I seriously can't remember ever being this tired and just falling into bed. But it's all worth it with the amazing smiles and hugs I get every morning and the giggles all day long (minus a tantrum here and there ;-) I guess it's all par for the course. Unfortunately, I won't be able to post any pictures of the girls due to confidentiality laws and privacy for their situation. Being that we are strictly fostering them at this point means there are certain guidelines we have to follow to be certain that they are protected...and since my blog is "public" I have to follow them here too. So, you'll just have to stop by if you're ever in the neighborhood to meet them in person. Keep us all in your prayers...and put in an extra request for some sleep ;-)


Anonymous said...

Sleep? Who needs sleep?

Uncle Jason will come over and play on Friday night and you can take a nap. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!!
We will definitely keep you all in prayer.

pageant_girlie said...

Congratulations Bek! I'm so happy for you!!

Sara said...

Oh Bek, Congratulations. What a gift. I'm right there with you in "toddler-mania" and will pray for you as I pray for myself! I sure wish we could drop by for a play date...just know you always have friends to play with in St. Louis. Love, s

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Little girls are the best...I should know, I have one....only she just turned 17. You guys will do great! These girls are going to have the best home filled with a lot of love.

Shana said...

I love how much you include your new daughters in your blog. As a previous foster mom (we have since adopted her) I understand and commend you for taking on 2. It's an amazing and exhaustin experience.
Oh... and sleep will come in time.