Monday, February 18, 2008

Welcome to infanthood....

So, I know what you're all thinking...I've completely fallen off the face of the planet never to blog again. I am alive and well and incredibly enough still standing on two feet. Here's an ever so quick update as I have two sleeping babies and watching precious moments of a nap time evade me ;-) On Feb 7th our two girls we were initially placed with were reunified with relatives. It was sad to see them go but we are happy they are with people who love them and will be able to give them the care they need. So, we thought we'd take a bit of a break before opening our home to another sibling set...after all we were only "planning" on taking one at a time. Well, so much for plans on Feb 12, just five days after we said our goodbyes, we said hello to two more sisters. This time they're itty bitty ones....the oldest is 17 months and the youngest, well, we picked her up from the hospital at four days old. It's been many sleepless nights, with lots of feedings, diaper changes and a cold to boot. But, I feel honored to be entrusted with two of God's precious little ones. Long Beach Grace Brethren put together a list of people who have been delivering us dinners and making sure we are able to transition as smoothly as possible. Again, I wish I could post pictures of them, but alas, not allowed....but we love visitors!!


The Olson's said...

WOW! Two more! Can't wait to meet them. We'll drop by after I recup from surgery. Hopefully, sometime next week. Thank you for loving God's children (but you don't have to love them all at once;)
Love Ya,
Grandma Darla, Grandpa Roger & Brother

Angela said...

How exciting! Sounds like you're certainly being kept on your toes!!! Miss you and love you lots! Call me sometime while they are napping:)

Mrs. Minnesota said...

Hello sweet B!

Amazing! God sure knows who he can call on!!! Blessings to you and those precious two new cherubs! I'm thinking about you and sending you lots of love and prayers from the Tundra! No lobster ravioli for you ever again though!!! ;)

Love to you~

The Zandi Zoo said...

Congratulations!! What a wonderful thing! Enjoy those sweet baby moments.