Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We've arrived...

After close to 20 hours in the car we have finally arrived at our destination. Much has changed but much remains the same too! One can really see the devastation that the 88' fires had on this place. Lots of burned out areas but the new trees are making a comeback. Already we have seen quite a bit of wild life...Elk, Bison every where, a mother Moose and her baby, a Bald Eagle...but of course our mission for Greg's sake this week (cue drum roll) to spot a bear. We'll see about that. Our time share is beautiful, it's right outside the entrance to West Yellowstone. Tomorrow we're off to explore the park.

Pictures: We stopped in Jackson Hole, this was one of the spots our family always stopped in our way to Yellowstone. This place has really changed...I can't say it's a "Hole" any more...they've really built up the area around what they now call the "historic" district. Is it right that I've been around long enough to go back to a place from my child hood and it's now being called historic? It was good to see the familiar arch ways and experience the fun with Greg and our little family.

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