Saturday, May 16, 2009

Free Methodist Conference Ordination

Izzy & Audrey w/ Audrey's grandparents

I am proud of my honey!

Audrey & me

Jervaun & me (Jervaun was a former Mrs. CA - she actually crowned me and she happens to be a missionary to Ethiopia with her family, what a small world!)

Carlos (our worship leader), Sandy (children's ministry), Fern & Greg

Greg and I took the girls to stay with his sis in Menifee this week for Greg to attend the annual FM conference. Izzy (our pastor) was being ordained and Greg was recieving his "official" certificate as a LMC (Licensed Ministerial Candidate) They had a wonderful service for the ordination and we are so proud of Izzy for the amazing amount of work he's put into getting this far.

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