Saturday, June 30, 2007

California Princess Program

This year Bob Arnhym, CEO of Miss California America asked me to help create a program for girls ages 4-12 that would introduce them to the Miss America system but not be a competition. With a lot of help from Mary McCaman, we created this years first California Princess Program. Unfortunately, due to a late start, we weren't able to add in the "Etiquette" elements as much as I would have liked, but in future years we will have different classes on manners, good choices and positive self image. This year it was mostly about the stage numbers and getting to participate in the pageant with their "big sister" teen/miss title holders. I'm really excited about where this program could go, these little one's look up to these older girls and it's good that they have positive role models other than the Spears and Lohans of the world. These girls are talented, articulate, service oriented and focused on moving ahead with their academic pursuits...what mom wouldn't want their young princess to be exposed to those kind of role models? 100% of the fee goes directly to the Miss California Scholarship fund so it's good to know the little princesses are having a great time and the older girls are able to receive more scholarship. A win win for everyone! For more information check out the California website.

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