Sunday, June 24, 2007

Halogen Hamburger/Hotdog Hangout

Not to show you up Devin, but our house not only had the hamburgers but the hotdogs too...and should I mention five different types of ice cream treats...For the month of June, Halogen church decided to have two different locations people could hang out at after church. Of course there was our house and the Deloziers opened up theirs too. The announcement Devin gave at church said we were "simply" having hamburgers while his house was going to have a "hot dog bar"... my neighbors came over with a whole box of hot dogs and buns from a BBQ previous that day and donated them to our cookout. Greg was the master BBQ front man while I served potato salad, BBQ baked beans, chips, cherries & grapes, washed down with some soda's and an ice cream to boot. As always it was a good time of fellowship and friends although we did miss seeing some of the usual faces that were enjoying the evening at the other house church. It was exciting to hear that over 50 people attended the Delozier's home and we had close to thirty! I think that was more than the head count at church :-)

1 comment:

Angela said...

just thought you'd like to know your arms look incredible! I can tell you've been working out! Even without me!