Tuesday, September 25, 2007

There's nothing quite like family...

I know I'm a bit biased but I believe I have the greatest husband in the world. I don't know too many men who would willingly drive a 10 hour round trip road trip to see his in-laws family... let alone be the man to suggest it! Here's what I mean: my great aunts from New Jersey, along with my Aunt & Uncle, cousins etc. decided to have a mini family get together in Vegas at one of my cousins timeshares (which by the way was amazing). Since I'm back to work with Cotillion, I didn't think it would be "practical" to drive all the way out there just to visit for less than 24 hours with relatives. Would you believe my honey said he thought we should do it, even if we could only visit for a couple of hours. After all, family is family and being that my great aunts are both in there 80's and one in her late 80's at that, I wouldn't have this opportunity too many more times. So we hopped in the car Saturday afternoon and headed out to Vegas. That night we dined with the family and enjoyed hearing stories about my grandma Keller whom I never met(she died after childbirth when my dad was 14) and stories about my dad as a boy...I sat like a small child enthralled with my Aunt's family stories and loved being in their presence. The next morning we gorged ourselves at a brunch buffet (ya gotta buffet when in Vegas) and then walked through a few Casino's before heading out that afternoon. I was so glad that Greg talked me into doing the trip even though it was for such a short period of time. I loved being around my Aunt's and meeting cousins for the first time and being with family in general. My family grew up far from extended family. Everyone else seemed to live in Jersey or Florida. Greg on the other hand grew up with a very close knit family that did everything together w/ the aunts and uncles and cousins... so he knows the value and importance of getting together. This little jaunt just made me pause a moment from the business that I so often get caught up in and realize that no matter what we all need to be sure to take the time out for what really matters in life - relationships - with family and friends...because in the end they will be what matters most and with whom we all wish we could have another day.

1 comment:

Jason and Traci said...

We have that same photo of us in front of the Wynn. ;-)