Monday, July 28, 2008

WGN talk Radio, Chicago

This afternoon I was on the Steve Cochran show on WGN Radio. For those of you who haven't been to Chicago, the studio is right on the corner of The Tribune Tower, a Gothic building located on Michigan Avenue. WGN Radio (720 kHz) broadcasts from the building, with ground-level studios overlooking nearby Pioneer Court and Michigan Ave. As you can see from the pictures Greg and his parents came down to watch (and listen)- they actually have a speaker system that projects the show into the plaza so passer byers can hear it. When Dan, the interviewer found out that Greg was outside he insisted he come in and do the show with me. Reluctantly, Greg came in and we had a blast! They even put us on for two segments of the show talking about Go Red for women, Foster care and what it's been like for Greg being "Mr. International" :-)...of course the crown was tried on too.

1 comment:

::Traci:: said...

So, I tried commenting on this earlier, but then ya know - we have a huge earthquake and I had to hide under my desk for fear of the roof caving in, and well ... I got a little distracted. ;-)

Anyway, I bet this experience was a lot of fun and I can't wait to hear about in person!